Mother & daughter team
Lanolia is a mother-daughter company, run at a small scale. Our aim is to help people to effectively manage their skin using natural skincare.
Lanolia was developed after many years of research & development into natural, botanical ingredients. However, our story starts many years before, with our ancestors.

natural remedies
The Teskey's legacy
For 4 generations, the Teskey family have been making remedies for skin conditions. People came from all over Ireland for great-grandma's natural remedies, especially for Psoriasis, as it ran in the family.
botanical medicine
Becoming a medicinal herbalist
This love for natural remedies inspired Shirley to take a 3-year education of Herbal Medicine in The Netherlands. In 2006, Shirley launched her first skincare brand, Shirley's Herbal Care, growing and making her own extractions of botanical herbs.

Lanolin became the making of Lanolia
While researching and testing with the new ingredients, she first came to know and work with lanolin, a powerful wax found in sheep wool.
Lanolin has a wonderful structure, it closely resembles that of human skin and it is for this reason that it penetrates deeper into dry skin, creating a barrier and preventing moisture from escaping.
In 2016 Shirley and Karin joined forces, creating Lanolia, their mother-daughter cosmetics brand combining lanolin with botanical extracts.
Read more about the health benefits of Lanolia.

Ethically sourced lanolin
We use Vegetarian Approved Lanolin (Veggilanol Gold), with fully certified ethical treatment and welfare of animals in our supply chain.
Lanolin is a natural powerhouse ingredient and has many health benefits for your skin.
Prevents water loss, creating a protective yet breathable barrier for your skin. Restores moisture, it can hold 400% its own weight in moisture. Penetrates deeply, delivering moisture deep into multiple skin layers.